Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Underage Drinking Is Part Of The Culture Of College

By the time high school students are seniors around 70 percent of students have had alcohol and the number will increase more as they begin college (IUPUI). With being in college one thing that I did discover is that underage drinking is part of the culture in college, also the friends that I had in high school who are 21 now I have discovered they drink some of the least amount now. Which has begun to make me wonder why people who are 21 drink less than people who are underage. I believe that when people are 21 they now do not have to worry about the next time they can get alcohol. Congress should lower the drinking age from 21 to 18 because at age 18 when they are in college, for some students it will be the first time of it being acceptable to drink alcohol. Most college students are putting their health at risk with binge drinking. They are not introduced to alcohol at a younger age and drink because they do not know the next time they will get alcohol, so they will start to binge drink drinking a high content of alcohol quickly and dangerously. Although it may introduce alcohol to people of younger ages, it will help them mature more quickly knowing they do not have to worry about the next time they will get alcohol. With lowering the drinking age, it will have positive effects on the economy and society, it will be beneficial because it will prevent younger people from binge drinking, and people are legally adults at the age of 18 can vote and serve for theirShow MoreRelatedCollege Campus : Dangerous Incidents On Colleges Campuses1716 Words   |  7 PagesCollege freshmen are so excited when they enter the campus with a hope of enjoying their freedom. They also expect to be safe on their college campus but dangerous incidents on colleges campuses have increased in recent years. 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